Study in New Zealand

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why study in new zealand ?

New Zealand has an internationally recognised British-based education system with a clear qualification framework and pathways for secondary education into vocational training and the University sector.

With an excellent education system, internationally accredited qualifications, ample research opportunities and a matchless quality of life, New Zealand has a lot to offer.

While studying here, you can be assured of a welcoming and friendly society with an excellent support system for international students.

top 5 reasons why studying in the new zealand could be the best decision of your life:

Globally Recognized World Class Universities

All eight universities of New Zealand consistently rank high in QS World Rankings* and Times Higher Education Rankings, and qualifications from any of these are accredited across the globe, opening doors to prospects everywhere. The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) also ensures that institutions are registered to enrol international students and comply with qualifications standards.

Innovative & Research

New Zealand provides abundant opportunities in research for students. The country boasts of highly experienced faculty, well-equipped laboratories, access to latest technology, equipment, and opportunities. Its innovative spirit has made it a hub of new technologies, research and development in various fields such as healthcare, physics, geology, engineering, astronomy, computer science, agriculture, etc. Add to it, the Nobel prizes that the country has in its kitty simply reinstate the significance and vast scope of research in New Zealand.

easy to get around

As an international student, you most likely will not have your own means of transportation. . And while you can always use the well-connected public transport system, there really is no need to do so, as most of the universities are located in areas that are easily accessible by foot. Grocery stores, coffee shops, book stores, fitness centers, clothing stores, and a variety of other shops are generally in the vicinity and all within walking distance of one another. If you want to travel farther outside the town, public transportation is both easy to access and affordable. Additionally buses, trains and Ubers are also readily available to transport you anywhere you need to go.

excellent pedagogy

Influenced by the UK education system, New Zealand focuses on research-based teaching, which means you will learn dealing with situations in a systematic and an organised manner. You’ll be taught how to work independently as well as in a team at various levels. Studying here will encourage you to think critically, question and benefit from student-teacher interaction. You’ll also be implementing the concepts learnt in the classroom and develop different approaches towards solving a problem.

very friendly locals

You haven’t experienced true kindness until you’ve met a Kiwi, or a native New Zealander. From the moment you arrive in New Zealand, you’ll be treated with respect, generosity and kindness regardless of where you go or what you do. New Zealanders are generally laid back and understand that while life comes with its fair share of responsibilities, there’s much more to it than working, paying the bills, and running errands. The residents of New Zealand have a profound appreciation for life and all that comes with it. When you live life with this kind of gratitude, it’s easy to be kind to those around you and to lend a helping hand where you see one needed, which is precisely what the Kiwis do.

OPPORTUNITIES in new zealand

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