Student Accommodation

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Student Accommodation

Accommodation can be one of the biggest headaches of organising your year abroad. How do you find somewhere affordable – and liveable – in an unfamiliar location? One way to minimize its impact is to find a home away from home.

Housing is an integral part of studying abroad, but in the midst of admission preparations, visa application, and travel plans, it is also the part that some international students tend to postpone until the last minute.

Word to the wise: Plan Ahead.

Rent/housing fees/accommodation expenses will be a major part of your monthly expense, so you need to decide how much of your monthly budget you want to devote to rent. Set a budget and choose the best option in that price range.

For international students, the best option to consider is university housing. Most universities offer a house for international students, but the allotment is not exhaustive as they allot rooms on a first-come-first-serve basis. Therefore, send in your application at the earliest. University housing is also reasonably priced and a safe choice for students who have no prior experience of the place. Typically, the options range from apartments and dormitories to studios and lofts.

Why choose Study Abroad as your partner?

Study Abroad’s network has been gradually growing all over the world through either direct partners or third party corresponding partners of that country. This also makes us accessible to a lot of exclusive rates and deals. Ask our Study Abroad experts the best option available and we surely will have options ready for you.

Some options you can look at :

Student Apartments

This very well can be your first choice to go for if you’re looking for convenience, affordability and the chance to share your experience with students from all over the world. You need to look for student apartments that are usually close to campus, so you spend less time traveling.

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A homestay can be a good option if you want to stay with a local family or your relatives abroad  and experience the culture from much closer. The third party home-stay providers always keep in mind that these are welcoming, warm and easy-going people for the international students.

College or University Hostels

Usually this would be your home for coming months when you land in a different country. As most students take time exploring and fitting in the environment, many stick to the hostels in the beginning phase and later move out with their new made friends from the college/university.

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