Study in uk

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why study in uk ?

The United Kingdom has a long and rich history linked with many countries around the world.

In addition to its trend-setting fashions and accomplishments in the arts and technology it is one of the most popular study destinations.

The UK enjoys a proud tradition of education with universities rooting back to the 12th and 13th centuries.

Known for its language, history, culture and innovation, the UK has an average student retention rate of 82% which goes to show the level of employment in the nation.

top 5 reasons why studying in the Uk could be the best decision of your life:

A Long History of World-renowned Education

The University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge are ranked in the top 10 oldest universities in the world, and both are located in the UK. On top of that, education in the UK is world-renowned, and being able to say that you attended a UK university for any length of time is often a great accomplishment itself. While you should do your best to research the schooling options thoroughly, chances are good that wherever you decide to study abroad in the UK, you will get a good education. Because UK universities are so widely recognised, if you decide to finish your education in your home country or somewhere else, you should be able to transfer most or all of your credits to your new university.

shorter duration of courses

Courses in the UK education system are shorter and more intensive than many other countries, which means you’ll graduate sooner, and without compromising on quality. While you can complete an undergraduate program in three years, you’ll be able to finish a graduate program in just one year. This not only saves your time, but also a chunk of money spent on tuition fees and living costs.

work while you learn

To manage your everyday living expenses along with your studies, you can work part-time for up to 20 hours a week during term time. You can even work full-time during your semester break. This will help you pay for your bills as well as gain industry experience in your own field of study as well.

notebook, typing, coffee
doctor, checkup, health

health benefits for students

As an international student, you’ll have access to free medical treatment while studying in the UK through the National Health Service (NHS). In order to avail this benefit, you will have to pay a small International Health Surcharge (IHS). Your Study Abroad counsellor can advise you about this detail.

International Student-friendly Schooling

The number of international students studying in the UK reaches into the hundreds of thousands. UK universities are aware of the unique needs of international students and the benefits of study abroad. If you worry about having an advocate for you while you are in the country, you will find plenty of support through a variety of programs and organizations – including the university you choose to attend. If safety is a concern for you, you should know that the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education inspects the universities regularly to ensure they meet strict government standards. The UK is a safe and friendly place to earn a higher education.


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